Today’s talking and teaching points are these:

1 –  Focus your mind on what matters, moment by moment – this will give you the ability to accelerate when you need to because you will know how.

2-Flow your steps, with a strategy, as this will bring you success, by staying mindful. 

   Focus your mind on what matters, moment by moment – this will give you the ability to accelerate when you need to because you will know how.

When you have a learning disability, getting an education is not straightforward, nor does it flow freely the way it would for someone who does not have this issue. It is because of this, you have to focus your mind through coaching yourself on what matters at the time and tackle tasks in an order of what is of priority for you.  

Such as eating something in the morning, to get your day started right – you know brain and body. This is where the focusing your mind starts and finishes. After I have sat down for a good length of time (I have not rushed through my food – I suggest you do the same – don’t rush through eating your food, or drink for that matter – take your time and focus) I then move back into the kitchen area to start the cleaning, starting with the dishes, before moving on to the next thing. I need you to understand that these are movements, for your brain and body (you are thinking and doing). This is a good thing. 

The next thing to focus on is to feel good, with exercise, but this needs to be done with two factors in mind – 1 – the weather so that you can take a walk, and 2 – what comfortable clothes you will wear that also help you to feel good. So in short your knowing and ability to look at yourself in the mirror and feel good, and keep fit to look and feel fantastic. This focusing, again starts with your knowing and ability to think about what fashion feels good on your body, and what looks good on you. This is not decided by others (just remember if you ask for an opinion, you may get it), it is decided by you. So this exercise is another focusing your mind and doing exercise. 

After that, stay energized by looking after your brain and your body. This is about a few things for me. A road trip, good company, food, a bit of music, conversation, and a good laugh.

All of the above compel you to then, make time, to rest, reflect and relax, your mind, so as to keep focus.

If there were things that I learned while being not only a Teachers aide but also running my own business, clean&gleam, it was that knowing self-care is a must to have the ability to keep moving.

Flow your steps, with a strategy, as this will bring you success, by staying mindful. 

Each one of the steps above, was and still is, a careful focus, so that I can keep moving, doing, learning and flowing. All with the intention of feeling fantastic. I am constantly moving between different areas that need my attention so that I can accelerate when I need to.  When you create a list, as I have, for all of the areas of your life that need to be maintained, you find that you are not so overcome with overwhelm.
As you can see, from the list above, that I had a set of actions that I would flow through each day that I cleaned, whether it be at my home, or somebody elses home. It was this strategy that bought me success. The reason is, once I learned what worked for me, that helped me to overcome my overwhelm, and feel okay, getting out the door, became a dream to do.
But within those steps, I learned that I had more actions to take that would help me to stay okay, every day. These other actions would help me to save time and money. Each one of those items on the list above became an area in which I felt I needed to work on a bit more, such as the eating – what did I enjoy eating, that was also healthy and did not cost a lot.
How best was I going to achieve my goal: (you can read about that here, in my journal entry, learn by getting support or get coaching so that you too can carry on) with keeping fit and staying fit –  it is by wearing the right clothes, that are also comfortable and feel cool on.